One day, the center of the machine, who is the protagonist 鄭希彥, was collided by a car. After one day, he was in a coma. Then the machine broke down gradually. The plot was very complicated, and the director wanted to bring us audiences happiness as well as sorrow.
I like the the name of the movie both in Chinese and English. In Chinese, 九降風is very attractive, butI do not know why. In English, Winds of September, it seems they 9 people are just like a stroke of wind in a short time, and then depart respectively for different direction. I recommend you to see the movie. You can experience the energy, rebellion, happiness, sorrow, and their youth in the movie. Many times we original students also want to do something crazy, but base on the reality, we cannot because we are afraid of being seemed as heretical ones. Therefore, we can only satisfy our wishes in movies. I think it was a movie worth seeing.They are all stuggle for something in their puberty...
1 則留言:
I really like the film. It made me remind of my old friends and the life with them...